Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Journal Response 1

Journal Response 1

Q First, read (B) textbook Ch 7, Pgs 106-114. Before reading the two assigned readings, Read the section "Learning from Other Writers"(pg 107) in which there are three questions about identifying aspects of cause and effect in essays. • Do the writers explain causes? Or effects? Or both? • Do the writers perceive and explain a chain or series of causal relationships? Do they make clear that one event is the result of the occurence of the other event. How are they connected? • What evidence do the writers supply? Does the evidence clarify the causal relationship and provide credibility to the writers' claim? In your response, you will apply those three questions on Pg 107 to each of the readings: "In Praise of Doing Nothing: Why Leisure Time is Good for Productivity" (pg 108) & "Invisible Women" (pg 111) Submit via Assignment file upload in Canvas -

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The writers for both “In Praise of Doing Nothing...” and “Invisible Women” both explain causes and effects of the stigma towards being idle and women’s lack of opportunities in Korean culture, respectively.The writers make the causality clear. They are connected in a sense that there are several factors that cause the events mentioned above from happening. They are connected in a sense that these events become “compounding” and influence each other.